OAG 3rd Quarter Report for 30 September 2018
The third quarter report for the Office has been made publically available after it has been discussed with Public Accounts Committee. This report covers the period 1st July to 30th September 2018 and the focal point of this period was the tendering and letting of new contracts for 16 SAGC financial audits for a five year period starting with the 2018 audit cycle.
On the 5th September 2018 our Annual Report and financial statements for the 18-month period ending 31st December 2017 was tabled in the Legislative Assembly and made a public document.
The period also saw work start on preparing our new five year strategy for the period 2019 to 2023 and included an all staff consultation session to kick the work off.
Work resumed on the financial audit back log and during the quarter the two outstanding 2014-15 audits were completed. The only outstanding audits now relate to 2015-16 (3 audits) and 2016-17 (9 audits).
A performance audit report entitled “Progress update on the ORIA Terminal Redevelopment Project” was given to the PAC at their administrative meeting on 30th August but given the report covered commercially sensitive information and was being reported on while the project was still live, the report was not made public during the quarter.